Be the energy you want

My energy is precious to me – Who/what I share it with, who/what I give it to, and who/what/where I receive it from. Consequently, I prefer it to be at optimum levels, as much as possible.

As humans, we spend a good amount of our time on interactions. Be they physical, mental, or virtual, and whether or not they be significant or lacking import. We then go on to affect and influence, through these interactions.

Because of this, I personally find it rather taxing to have superficial and meaningless interactions or expend my energy or time in any similar manner. It doesn’t matter if it’s out of routine or necessity. Trust me, this is good for everyone because I conserve my precious resources for more impactful usage while trying not to waste yours. Simple enough, isn’t it?

Yet, sometimes, it can be profoundly tough to avoid wasting energy or being around what you feel are ‘bad vibes’. Especially, when due to reasons commonly referred to as being beyond one’s control. I speak for myself when I say that when I direct energy towards a person, or people, or thing, I expect it to be symbiotic in the most basic sense. In that, we may not have a lot in common, but our interaction leaves a good taste in our mouths, and our surroundings, after we long part ways.

I understand everyone’s level of energy or approach to the subject varies vastly. Because, we all have different personalities and temperaments, and such. But I will not accept having to deal with negative/neutral or parasitic energy, or watch it spread. And neither should anyone else.

If we’ve ever met or exchanged a few sentences, you must know how I feel about “vibes”. They’re always there. They can be inexplicable, need clarification, or be ignored. But, they’re never hidden, and they never lie. And I do my utmost best to put ‘good vibes’ out into the universe.

Having bored you a little, I’m going to end on this note – If you have to force it, don’t.

If you don’t like the company you’re in, change it. If you don’t like where you are, leave. If your energy levels is not the same as someone else’s… Okay maybe try to find out why. But certainly do not use up all your energy doing that. Particularly if you feel it reduces you in any way.

Also, be around people or things that move you. Actually move you. Within and without, and for the right reasons. People and things that make you feel nothing short of pumped, useful, motivated, psyched, great, appreciated, a better human, and all kinds of awesome things like this. People and things you flow with and can grow with, and make your time on earth worthwhile by YOUR standards.

Be around thinkers, doers, dreamers, and those with neither the time nor capacity to entertain negative/neutral or halfhearted thoughts or actions.

This is not a ‘new year, new me’ post. The concept of time and reinvention does not move me in this way. This is an ‘I’m just saying’ post. So, let’s definitely explore it more in the comments.

I remember I made a note a long time ago about how my tolerance for most human interactions was dwindling. Beyond comfort, but not precipitately. The note was an acknowledgment of my frustration at the time. Most definitely over a singular event. But I know I never not choose what I occupy my time with painstakingly.

Before you spend your energy on a person, thing, project, relationship, activity… Think about what it does for your overall energy. Life is too short to be spent in mundane company. Or around bad energy.

If I don’t sign off on this, who will?


I have a deep admiration and appreciation for the versatility and creativity that life presents, and humans represent... For multiplicity. It’s in the way we live our lives, the way we affect others through the stories we tell, the arts we express, the values we uphold, the truths we seek, the innovations we inspire, the changes we champion, and the choices we make.

I have a deep admiration and appreciation for the versatility and creativity that life presents, and humans represent... For multiplicity. It’s in the way we live our lives, the way we affect others through the stories we tell, the arts we express, the values we uphold, the truths we seek, the innovations we inspire, the changes we champion, and the choices we make.

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  1. Bad energy stay faraway! So yes, I almost ran off at the first few Lines of thesis… *rolls eyes* but! You are totally right of course but just as with most things, this is easier said than done. Such things as financial security & school fees do exist and sometimes we grit our teeth and carry on regardless. The trick I think is to always keep the bad energy moments to the barest minimum.

    • 😂😂😂😂😂 “Financial security and school fees!”

      I hear you, Jen! I hear it all!! And very well said about keeping it to the barest minimum, at the very least.

      However, there’s an attitude most people are yet to have – Identify such things that could necessarily weigh you down from time to time – because we still live on earth – and understand that you deal with it because you MUST for a greater good. Anything else… Stay far away, lol.

      Thanks, baybie!!

  2. In as much as I agree with you, It is very difficult to achieve in a corporate world. For example, I am constantly working on different projects with people who give off negative vibes that sometimes I resort to communication via emails only. This in turn sends negative vibes back to them and the circle continues….outside work though. I do not tolerate it any longer (sadly about 70% of my time is spent at work)

    • I understand the difficulty you refer to, Lex. But, I guess a mindset of , “Nothing is ever that serious” is how I would personally treat such issues. Because of how preciously I value my energy, I learned early on to separate myself from situations I believe are constructed and/or temporary, and don’t exactly form the core of who I am. Like work. So, I separate, with a hot knife. My life at [any] work is DIFFERENT from that in ‘real life’, as I tend to say. I work to never let those two fully meet.

      There’s ALWAYS those people! I KNOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWW, believe. But, then they are people, and I guess the key here is the way you let your energy radiate. Trust me, the sky will not fall if you take a moment at work to for the ‘real life’ you to BREATHE. So if that means corresponding only via emails sometimes, for example, that’s fine. But make sure it’s a strategy that’s without malice and is sustainable. Let them get the message – “We’re all here because we have to be here. For whatever reason. And as long as you don’t adversely affect my work or truly threaten ‘me’ (sure there’s people to raise the issue with at this level), then you don’t know me, you don’t own me, you can’t fuck with my energy.” Wear it!

      Like we’re not friends or anything sef that you’d inconvenience me, abeg.

      P.S. Forgive the late response, biko. xxxxxxx

      P.P.S … Let’s talk about that percentage another time.


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I have a deep admiration and appreciation for the versatility and creativity that life presents, and humans represent... For multiplicity. It’s in the way we live our lives, the way we affect others through the stories we tell, the arts we express, the values we uphold, the truths we seek, the innovations we inspire, the changes we champion, and the choices we make.